Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Fashion time with my Meeroos

I have had my hand in the breedables thru out my time in SL. I had a habit of taking my picture at times with my breedable babies ^_^ and thought it be fun to focus now on the fashion I wore when working with my Meeroos (posts on others will come soon). So here is a fun little entry on my fashion time with the meeroos.

I tried the baby dragons, but they got killed when the landowner of the sim I was on returned them to me one day out of nowhere (yes the rent for the land had been paid). So that discouraged me a bit and I had sworn off breedables. However...

 Then I learned about Meeroos, and OMG were they ever cute! I started out with just one, but soon that muliplied into alotttttt...Above I am holding my first roo named Morgan and wearing a jeweled top from Graffitiwear and pants from Alessandra. I used to wear this outfit alot and still do at times now ^_^. I started out in that little green house off the side of the main house.

 Not long after I was down in a pretty natural setting with about 12 roos to breed ^^I am holding two of the babies for this image and wearing one of my favorite dresses from Ho Wear (I have so much of her stuff it isn't even funny ^_^ lol).

 Soon however... The roo population grew >.> alotttttt! lol As you can see in the image above. They were moved up into the mountains where there was more room. I loved this rune type setup and I always enjoyed wearing whimsical and natural feel dresses when there. This dress is from Rag Dollz and I always loved the shade of red it is.

The introduction of the Nocturnal meeroos lead to another change... into a pretty cave surrounded by the cold snow outside ^_^ It was cool having the glowy stuff around while tucked into this magical feeling place. I still wore my pretty dresses here a lot though, but I also found the coolest ears and tail from Doki Creations (seen above).

Today ^^ I keep about 4 breeding pair usually and they call home in the middle of our little ranch (Have ABC Horses too -but can talk about them another time ^_^). Around this new location cause of the horses and all, I tend to wear the jeans and tops more often.. A more casual look ^_^ The top is from League (and is one of my favorites, have it in tonz of colors) while the capri jeans are from Nadas (have a few of them also ^_^).

As you can see, I have had a lot of fun dressing up when playing with my meeroos ^_^. I just think there are so many different opportunities to enjoy fashion in SL and this is one of them for sure. Take care and Cya around <3 G

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